Car registration in Barcelona

Barcelona - 2016-12-11

Permanent residents in Spain are not allowed to drive a car on foreign number plates. You have only 30 days to obtain the Spanish plates and make the car registration.

- Pass the vehicle homologation (at a ITV station)
- Pay Municipality vehicle tax (Municipality)
- Vehicle Registration Tax (at Hacienda): this depends on CO2 emissions and can be avoided if you have been the owner of the car for at least six months before arriving at Spain.
- Pay the Vehicle Registration Fee (at DGT)
- get the number plates

In case is not a change of residence but a sale between private persons, you need to pay also:
- Tax on capital transfers
- VAT in case the vehicle is acquired in a car dealer

Gestoría Guasch can help you during the whole process (taxes, technical inspection, registration, fees, etc).

Just call us +34 933 939 718

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